Bringing Harman-ies Outdoors

As I began putting thoughts down and mapping out my latest piece, it seemed quite obvious and fitting what I should be writing about.  It is the week after Easter, my kids are home from school on spring break, and it just so happens to be the nicest weather we have seen in NJ since September, with temps in the upper 80’s!  Oh, how I missed working with my office windows open!  With all of that in mind, I think back to a topic I recently wrote which discussed “Anywhere Audio”, as I had coined it.  In that piece, I discussed the varying types of portable and powered loudspeakers that seemed to blossom coming out of the pandemic as more people and activities were now outdoors.  So, as I sit here mapping out my latest plan, I thought it was important to expand on that.  The topic of outdoor audio is a lot more “wide encompassing” that even I thought and given that, I made the decision to “phone a friend” to discuss the topic even more.  Allow me to introduce you all to Dave Tewksbury, Product and Applications Sales Support at Harman Pro Solutions.  “Tewks”, as he is widely known around the industry, is not only a phenomenal resource and incredible friend to everyone who knows him, but he is also an accomplished singer and longtime audio enthusiast.  Simply put, I learn something new every time we speak!  So, with that, allow me to highlight our recent discussion around Harman and how they approach the Outdoor Audio Category.

To help set the stage for the conversation (pun intended!), Tewks recalled how he first got started in the world of Audio.  I will be the first to admit that I always assumed he was a singer who specifically chose to work at Harman, but his background is far greater than that.  As Tewks fondly recalled, he caught the “JBL Bug” as a young kid in Cincinnati.  His sister, who was a performer at the time, had taken him to their local music shop called Buddy Rogers.  The salesperson there had mentioned that JBL was one of the best they could get so that is where the discussion started.  Given that this was long before the times of powered loudspeakers, they would also need an amplifier to which the salesperson said “if you are using JBL, you MUST use Crown.  Those go hand in hand!”.  That is how it all started.  Since that day/interaction, Tewks has used nothing but JBL/Crown for all his audio needs which predates his employment at Harman.  That would come later down the road after first working at an integrator who also happened to be a major Crown/JBL partner as well as a local rep that turned out to be a rep for Harman.  The draw to these brands, outside of the name recognition, is that Tewks can emphasize these products have never steered him wrong.  As an avid musician, he has never blown a speaker, replace a driver or other components, and as a musician funds can be limited at times, this history of quality is something he will firmly standby.

As we steered the discussion into the outdoor category, Tewks was generous enough to peel back the curtain just enough to highlight Harman’s philosophies on quality and the thought process that goes into creating speakers that not only sound great but can withstand the harshest of elements outdoors.  When I think of what JBL does in the way of outdoor audio, it is quite impressive and expansive.  We could also spend a lot of time discussing the IP ratings of speakers and why they matter.  A speaker’s IP rating is generally 2 numbers that follow IP and each of those 2 numbers means something.  The first number is what they call intrusion protection such as dust, debris etc.  The second number is the moisture protection.  Simply put, on a scale of 1-6, the higher the number the better the protection would be.  So, if a loudspeaker was IP66, theoretically it would be totally protected against dust/debris and protected against strong jets of water such as on a cruise ship deck.

Because of these factors, I broke this category up into segments to help guide us:

JBL control 28-1Category 1: The Hybrid Indoor/Outdoor Speaker. A good example of this would be the Control 28-1.  This is a surface mount speaker with 8” driver and as the name implies, can be used both indoors and outdoors.  When using outdoors, I highly recommend using under a roof/awning and making sure it is not exposed to harsher elements such as salt water or freezing temps.  This speaker comes with an IP44 rating which means it offers average protection against water being splashed or objects like nails, etc that are unable to penetrate the grille.

JBL awc-129 bkCategory 2: All Weather. A good example of this would be the AWC129.  As the name implies AW=All Weather.  Highly weather resistant and perfect for outdoor applications such as sports stadiums or outdoor bars/cabins.  The AWC line comes with an IP56 rating, which means it is protected against small dust particles and strong jets of water and can be used in direct exposure.

eon one compact Category 3: Powered and Portable. This category houses some of JBL’s best selling speakers such as the Eon One Compact, PRX One, Eon 700 series and the brand new PRX900 Series.  While I do not recommend leaving these out in harsh environments or even getting splashed with water, they are regularly used for outdoor events, outdoor dining, fitness classes and more.  They also have optional transport cases and rugged cabinets to help prolong their lifespan.

Category 4: Performance Audio. This group may or may not be as obvious to everyone, but next time you are at an outdoor concert this summer, look on the stage and up in the rafters and you will see what I mean.  Whether it is the ever-popular VTX A Series or the newer SRX900 Series which happens to also be powered, JBL excels in this space.  VTX for example, carries an IP rating of IP55 and come with rugged enclosures with a Duraflex finish to make sure they last and perform well throughout a tour.  The SRX900, as mentioned previously is a newer, powered solution for performance use-cases.  This series comes with a similar IP54 rating, which places it right up in the ranks with the VTX and has a 16-guage perforated steel grille for added durability.  Needless to say, both models were meant for the outdoors!

Category 5: Landscape. One of JBL’s best-selling series is their Control 80 Series of landscape speakers.  These “mushroom” style speakers are green in color, so they help blend in with gardens or other landscapes as needed.  Highly weather resistant that also offer a 360-degree coverage for audio! This series comes with an ip-56 rating, so you know you will be getting long-term use of these.  JBL has recently expanded this category to include in-ground subwoofers and the new ground-stake speakers.  Combined with the Control 80 Series, they have an entire solution for landscape needs which are perfect for residential, hospitality, bar/restaurant and so many more!  Tewks highlighted how he uses 4 of the Control 85’s in his own backyard and says, “you don’t need to have ears on your kneecaps for these to sound good”.  Meaning, they perfected the ability to get highs, mids, and lows up to your listening levels through a down firing speaker.  It’s really incredible!

As we discussed through these, Tewks emphasized how Harman listens to their customers.  A void in this category for many years were speakers that could be used in dessert climates such as Arizona, so with that, Harman rolled out a green and a brown colorway in their ground stakes so more customers could utilize.  Another point of emphasis was how they always strive to be ahead of the trends/needs of their customers.  I referenced the recent surge we saw in outdoor audio needs from 2020 to now, and Tewks reminded me that it takes 4, 5, or even 6 years to fully develop a new product so with that in mind it was clear that Harman placed an emphasis on this category well before the need even was present.

While I could talk about speakers with Tewks for hours on end, I think our discussion painted a good picture of where this idea of “outdoor audio” is headed.  While I chose to mainly emphasize speakers here, let us not forget what else could be needed.  If not using a powered loudspeaker we certainly need amplifiers, mixers, and the obvious microphone to go along with it.  However, I come from the belief that none of those will matter if you don’t have the proper speakers.  You have 4 main components to any audio system as I just highlighted and if one is sub-par or incorrect for the desired use and atmosphere, the whole system will fail.

Next time you are involved in any project requiring outdoor audio, I caution to do your homework and ask the right questions to determine what is needed.  Hopefully you understand IP ratings a little bit more now and can decipher which type of outdoor speaker could be used for a given project.  JBL and Harman is certainly a great place to start!

Enjoy this blog?
Let Rob know over on LinkedIn …and/or connect with #ExertisAlmo on our LinkedIn company page.

Robert Voorhees
About the Author

Rob Voorhees | CTS, CTP, DSCE, CTNS, Dante

Business Development Manager

Supported Manufacturers: Business Communications Services, and Harman: AKG, AMX, BSS, Crown, DBX, JBL, Soundcraft, Martin Lighting

Education Opportunities at E4 Experience

Not long ago, I did a little promo video on LinkedIn poking fun at the travel expenses and hassles associated with going to a “big” trade show and extolling the virtues of the Exertis Almo E4 regional trade shows. If you know me, I’ve had some travel hassles over the years.

Tom Kehr Linkedin E4 travel videoHonestly, if you can attend an E4, there’s no better bargain on the planet, especially now that we’re not just Exertis or just Almo, but Exertis Almo, with more lines and services than ever available to support the audio-visual integrator.

There’s a lot that has been written about hybrid meetings and meeting equity and all that, but nothing tops meeting face-to-face, shaking hands (or fist bumps if that’s more comfortable for you), discovering new contacts, and having a conversation around good food. It’s what a friend of mine, Stuart Weiser, calls, “Meet, eat and greet.” Despite all of our 24/7/365 electronic connectivity, you can’t beat the one-on-one that the E4 Experience offers. Sometimes our best connections happen quite by accident and when we don’t expect it. We just “happen” to meet someone, strike up a conversation where interests and goals mesh and it becomes the beginning of a long-term profitable business relationship.

E4 has extended the show floor hours to 4:00PM (in some cities), so you won’t have to feel so rushed to get it all in – breakfast, Keynote, exhibits, sessions, lunch, and education. Did you see food mentioned twice? Even before I joined Exertis Almo, I always remembered that E4 always did a great job with meals. Food and coffee are the fuels of AV.

But, although we are often driven by our stomachs, E4 is so much more. More vendors and exhibits than before, but also the same great education that has become a hallmark of E4. I have the privilege of doing two sessions, but I’m not alone, as Gary Kayye and Tom Stimson will be presenting as well. In addition, Melody Craigmyle will be leading a roundtable on DEI. As always, our education provides RUs for your CTS renewal.

Great people, great manufacturers, great education, and great food. The only thing it will cost you is a day out of the office and the potential for missed opportunities. No expense report necessary.

Want to know more?
Attend the 2023 E4Experience in a city near you, and take one or both of Tom’s courses on “Conducting a Needs Analysis” and “Conducting a Proper Site Survey” to earn up to 2 AVIXA CTS RUs.

Check out his “Project Questions & Needs Analysis” post.

Did you find this post helpful? Engage with us over on LinkedIn.

Tom Kehr

About the Author

Tom Kehr

CTS-D, CTS-I, Network+, LEED Green Associate, ISF-C, ATD Master Trainer

In-House System Designer and Trainer

Supported Applications: System Design

5 Keys to Selecting a New Projector

Five Things to Consider When Selecting a New Projector

When it comes to producing large displayed images of 100” or more, projection technology is the front runner when it comes to cost, ease of installation, and system maintenance over time. While projector brightness is a key consideration, it is not the only factor you should be looking at when selecting a new projector. Here are some others that I recommend you should be looking at:

1. Projection Technology

If you have been in the industry for over a decade, you likely remember regularly being asked the question, “What’s better, plasma or LCD?” We no longer have that choice since the extinction of plasma displays, however, with projectors, we do have choices in the type of technology. The most common types of projection technology are 3 LCD, 1-Chip DLP, and 3-Chip DLP, with LCoS as a less common option for commercial projectors. While both are perfectly acceptable, 3 LCD typically will produce more vivid saturated colors and DLP may produce “blacker” blacks. Most noticeably with 1-Chip DLP, because of the color wheel, the brightness or lumen output when producing color images will often be significantly lower than the specified lumen rating. 3 LCD projectors will output the full specified brightness whether projecting full white or full color images. For more detailed information regarding color brightness, check out this article.

2. Resolution & Aspect Ratio

With projection, you have three common native aspect ratios to choose from (4:3, 16:9, and 16:10). According to PMA Research, over 75% of projectors sold have a native aspect ratio of 16:10, the majority of which are WUXGA with the remaining at WXGA. Additionally, they report that roughly 20% are native 16:9, with the majority being 1080p and a relatively small segment that are native 4K. This means there is still, albeit small, a percentage of native 4:3 projectors being sold. The important thing to remember here is that you want to match the aspect ratio of your screen to the native aspect ratio of your projector. Whether you are retrofitting a new projector to an existing screen, or installing an entirely new system, you need to be mindful of this. Also, be aware of the source signal you will be sending to the projector, especially if you need to display a 4K signal. While native 4K commercial projectors are expensive and choices are limited, there are many options that are native WUXGA (1920×1200) that support a 4K signal with pixel shifting technologies, like 4K enhancement.

St Eds theater Epson3. Image Position & Adjustment

in a perfect world, you would not have to worry about projector placement relative to the projection screen, however, things like light fixtures and HVAC systems can prevent you from installing the projector dead center of screen. While most projectors offer horizontal and vertical keystone correction, you sacrifice some image quality when using this. A better option is to use a projector that features lens shift, so that the image can be repositioned horizontally and vertically without any digital manipulation of the image.

4. Throw Distance/Projector Placement

the projected image size will be determined by the available distance or “throw” you have in a particular space between the front of the projector lens and the projection screen surface. Unless the projector you are considering offers interchangeable lenses, as your desired image size increases, so does the required throw distance. A key specification of any projector or projection lens is the throw ratio. For a zoom lens, this is expressed as a range of two numbers representing distance compared to the number one, which represents your image width, for example (1.35-2.20:1). In this case, this specification states that the throw distance can range between 1.35 x the image width up to 2.20 x the image width. For a 10ft wide image, the throw distance then can be anywhere between 13.5ft – 22ft. It will be important to understand any limitations regarding projector placement relative to the screen and to choose a projector that will meet those requirements.

5. Connectivity

This may seem like a no-brainer since the majority of sources are now HDMI and pretty much every projector will include at least one HDMI input, however, in many cases the projector will be mounted just below the ceiling in the middle of a room. This could be a considerable distance away from the video source. Often, for cable lengths beyond 50ft HDBaseT HDMI extenders are used to send the audio, video, and control signals a long distance over a single Cat6 cable. Selecting a projector that includes an HDBaseT input can save you money on the extension hardware, simplify the installation, and reduce points of failure.

Whether you are looking to provide large images for a house of worship, create interactive experiences in classrooms, incorporate projected images into a presentation stage, integrate a command and control center, or deliver just about any type of large displayed visual image, a projector exists to get the job done.

What other things do you look for when specifying projectors? Let me know over on LinkedIn.

Brian Rhatigan headshot
About the Author

Brian Rhatigan | CTS, DSCE

Director of Business Development

Supported Manufacturers: Epson, Huddly, Kramer, Jabra

Overcoming Security Threats: In-Room Collaboration Technology

Wireless Security Layers

With the increase in hybrid collaboration following the pandemic, cybersecurity is at the forefront of everyone’s mind, especially in office meeting spaces and conference rooms with a great amount of traffic throughout the day – team members and guests included. IT and maintenance departments are incredibly precise with the hardware they are installing, focusing heavily on certifications and the way in which certain products handle these cybersecurity risks – in some cases, even gluing the USB ports of a government-issued laptop to manually prevent any plug-ins.

Wireless display technology presents many security risks, and in order to provide protection against any threats, there are three layers of security that are typical (and industry standard).

1. Connection Level

This involves the user’s laptop connecting to the closest access point and authenticating itself to the network (representing the standard set of security protocols WPA, 802.1X, WEP, etc.).

2. Session

The session involves the transmission of data – searching out, sending an email, connecting to a wireless printer, and much more. When a user transmits their data from a laptop to an access point, they are in an active session – the data is encrypted.

3. On-Screen

The on-screen layer involves a display pin that needs to be entered, requiring someone to be physically present in order to connect.

Network Security

Along with these three layers of security, ScreenBeam adds additional protection in the architecture of the device itself, providing an internal network for employees and an external network for guests, with a firewall in between. In your conference room, users with Apple devices can connect to the access point and use AirPlay to discover ScreenBeam as a display point over the network infrastructure – this applies exclusively to company employees. For those with Windows 10/11 devices, users may connect to ScreenBeam using P2P mode. On the other hand, guests may use WiFi tools with ScreenBeam an access point, without ever interacting with the internal network. If they require Internet access, they can gain this permission through WLAN1.

When utilizing ScreenBeam, users must authenticate themselves, as anything shared is encrypted. With other similar technology, you must choose between putting a device on the internal network (which guests cannot use) or putting a device on the guest network, which requires every employee to also switch to the guest network. ScreenBeam is connected to both the internal network and the external network at the same time, so you can connect securely to both networks, without ever exposing your internal network to guests, since their access is directly connected to the display.

Additionally, when faced with guests that require a connection to the network, other similar devices would likely opt to provide guests with access to the internal network, therefore punching a hole in the firewall, which is not the most secure choice. With ScreenBeam, there is no connection between the local WiFi and Ethernet, which prevents access to the wired Ethernet, even if someone were able to hack into the local WiFi.

When it comes to in-room collaboration security, there’s much more to the product than most people realize.

With any questions or to learn more about ScreenBeam’s innovative solutions, I encourage you to contact me or reach out over on LinkedIn.

Angie Greene
About the Author

Angie Greene | DSCE

Business Development Manager

Supported Manufacturers: ScreenBeam and Panasonic

Behind the Panel: Navigating Direct View LED Mounts

We are back again – this time talking about the world of Direct View LED mounts. First, let’s take a brief look at Direct View LED as a solution:

Direct View LED (DVLED) is a technology that has existed for some time, but the last five to seven years has seen an explosion in the amount of manufacturers that are producing DVLED technology. In its most basic description, DVLED is a display consisting of several light-emitting diodes (LEDs) mounted on a circuit board, creating each panel. These panels are then configured into a larger, finished display. The biggest draw to these is you can get a much larger overall display than traditional LED displays, which usually top out around 100” diagonal. This gives you much greater flexibility to create larger display sizes, and not be limited to the traditional shape of normal displays. They can be pyramids, curved, columns… really the sky is the limit. These displays are also much brighter than traditional LED. Take the TV in your home, more than likely that will be around 300 nits in brightness. Professional digital signage displays are usually in the 500-700 nits range. DVLED are very bright, most times in a range of 4,000-10,000 nits, and because there is no glass, (hence the term, “Direct View”), they will not have glare, as well as offering much broader viewing angles.

Assessing the DVLED Install Needs

Chief digital signage solutionsThe first step in the process is assessing the install site. The integrator will have to do a thorough site survey, to make sure the solution will work. Making sure they have adequate access to power, and ensuring that the wall or structure that the display is being mounted to is secure and strong enough to support it. Once you have this done, you can work on designing and planning your wall layout and structure. Most manufacturers offer assistance in design for the mounting solution. Our partners at Legrand have really simplified the process with a great Online Configuration Tool to help put your display together. They offer many in-stock solutions for the major DVLED brands. If your DVLED isn’t available in one of their preconfigured varieties, they offer custom solutions as well.

Selecting a DVLED Mount Solution

Now, back to the mounts. The first question that I am often asked, is why a customer would choose third party mounts when the DVLED manufacturer has mounts that are made for their own solution. Great question! The answer is simple:

  • DISPLAY manufacturers primary focus is on developing and manufacturing DISPLAYS.
  • MOUNT manufacturers primary focus is on developing and manufacturing MOUNTS.

Although the DVLED manufacturers’ mounting solutions will fit, they will more than likely not work as well as mounts made by a mount manufacturer. Usually, the DVLED manufacturer has a mounting solution that is a pretty basic, perhaps a simple frame with some brackets. Third party mounts are designed with installers in mind. They will be set up for easier installation because they give you the ability to make micro-adjustments after they are mounted. For installers, having the ability to make x-y-z axis adjustments help ensure a perfectly planar video wall. They are usually a much more robust mount all together, with more features that produce a better finished product, and also have the installer in mind by making installation quicker, more efficient, and allowing for easier access when servicing post-install.

To draw an everyday life comparison, think about buying a car. When you purchase a car, often times the dealer would throw in floor mats for your car. The floor mats were OK, they matched the color of the interior, and would keep some dirt and grime off the floor of the car. But you could also go buy a set of floor mats that were made by a company that does nothing but make car accessories, composed of heavier duty material, laser machined to exactly fit in your vehicle, and would keep EVERYTHING off the floor of your vehicle. Wow, after writing that, I really think I need new floor mats. Anyways, this is why I would look to a mount manufacturer to make DVLED mount solutions, it is what they do every day!

I also know there is a whole segment of resellers out there who are relatively new to this space, and Exertis Almo has you covered there as well.

Exertis Almo Labor Project Support

Whether this is your first DVLED install or you are attempting something cutting-edge, like a curved wall, Exertis Almo has a services team that can professionally install that solution for you. Our team has a wealth of knowledge and experience in DVLED installation and commissioning. Find out more at

That does it for me, catch you next time… behind the panel.

Patrick Booth, BDM
About the Author

Patrick Booth | CTS, DSCE

Business Development Manager

Supported Manufacturers: Legrand AV (SW, W, NW) – Chief, C2G, Da-Lite, Luxul, Middle Atlantic, Vaddio, Wiremold

BUT, Did You Train Them?

Love for Learning

Our industry is comprised of remarkably brilliant minds and innovative thinkers from all different backgrounds, and of various experience levels. Being in this industry, the love for learning is a prerequisite, in my opinion, as the learning never stops! There’s endless and ever-changing information to consider, leaving no choice but to keep up if you want to thrive. In my experience throughout the past four years in Pro AV, I’ve witnessed or been part of countless changes. Some small and subtle, others very significant, even life changing. So, it’s safe to say that being part of Pro AV requires you to adapt and maintain flexibility while striving to provide the best solutions to the masses.

Arguably the most important aspect of our industry is the end user, the common public, the small to large business owner, and the like. This is where all the effort and main impression has the greatest impact. They, however, do not need to keep up with the rapid changes of all the technicalities involved. This is what they rely on us for, and the very reason we are able to stand out in a league of our own. As manufacturers, distributors, and integrators, it is in our best interest to provide the most seamless and enjoyable experience to the end user. Sometimes this means entertainment and pleasure, other times productivity and efficiency, but it always means satisfaction. As the professionals making the recommendations, innovations and installations, we need to stay as educated as possible.

How we stay up-do-date, and in turn, implement that knowledge out in the field, greatly affects the satisfaction of those investing in, and using our products and services. The level of satisfaction may create career long repeat business, or may alternately cause the decline or stagnation we all work to avoid. Not all installations or solutions are equal in terms on complexity or technicalities, but they are all equally relevant. A full concert hall with all the sound equipment, proper sound distribution and seating design, lighting, and staging, etc. is as important to the venue, audience, and performers as a simple meeting room or huddle room is to a small business and it’s attendees. The education and training, or even experience required by the installation crew is certainly much more involved from one to the other, but it is totally necessary in both examples. Knowing what to install and how to install it – given the environment, budget and desired experience – can be, and in many instances is, more involved than most would expect.

Industry Expertise

Leaving projects unfinished, or partially in the hands of the client/customer/end user as a responsibility to perform, is proving more and more to be detrimental to the integrators success. I’ve seen and heard of more examples than I’d like to admit of: “The customer is going to do it themselves,” “This was just a box sale,” and “They have techs on staff that can handle it.”  When we, in the industry from a distribution standpoint, hear this, what we truly hear is, “I don’t care if my customer is satisfied with the outcome.” This may come across as harsh, but the proof is out there, and it won’t take much effort for us to collectively clean it up find ways to assure every project is done right, every time.  Most manufacturers offer all the training you could possibly need, free of charge, to gain the knowledge to properly install and get the most out of the features their products offer. Many offer training for beyond what’s required to know, and can be utilized to gain certifications or credits to maintain certifications. Some require that you become certified prior to gaining access to purchase and resell the products.

One example is the Barco ClickShare line of product and the features it has to offer the end user. ClickShare has evolved considerably throughout the recent years. Most know it as a simple collaboration device for which meeting presenters share content onto a display or projection image from their laptop or other portable device through a USB button or app. While this is still true, the features and benefits now offered by the product line is far more robust. Barco’s XSM Cloud portal gives users the ability to monitor, schedule, control, update, load simple digital signage content, and more, all at no charge! The most commonly missed perk Barco offers is the free upgrade from a 1 year to a 5 year SmartCare warranty on any ClickShare unit when registered to the XMS Cloud portal within 6 months of purchase. It goes without saying that if the device isn’t even being registered on the platform properly, the available features are certainly not being used to their full potential, if at all. Minimal required trainings are the effort to prevent such misuse or lack of satisfaction, but until we all take the end result more seriously, these sometimes fall short and become just that; bare minimum requirements.

Customer-Driven Business Growth

Barco offers extensive and vast training on their website, all free of charge, so that everyone can get the most out of their product. As customer-driven businesses, the message we want to get out is that this – Customer satisfaction all begins with the knowledge and effort we put forth on each and every project. Know your products and how the end user will benefit most from the uses of them. Then, make sure they get set up and installed properly! Maybe your customers overlooked activating the SmartCare warranty for their ClickShare units? Don’t worry, they can still activate their SmartCare package on existing C5/ C10/ CX-20/ CX-30/ CX-50 devices from March 1st to June 30th, 2023.

Another offer that many times goes overlooked is Click2Sync. Do you struggle to create quality content for your website and social channels? Do you lack the time, skills or ideas to continuously bring out content that generates traffic and leads? Then Barco’s Click2Sync program is the perfect fit for you. Click2Sync is our new program for all ClickShare Connect! resellers that offers an easy and automated way to publish engaging ClickShare content on your website and social channels. It’s free and completely painless, thanks to a simple syndication plug-in on your website.

For any information on this or any other learning opportunity, please contact your Exertis Almo Account Manager or Business Development Manager for guidance.

Did you find this post helpful? Join the conversation over on LinkedIn.

Nathan Dwelly BDM

About the Author

Nathan Dwelly

Business Development Manager

Supported Manufacturers: Barco (East)

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