Just about halfway through another year and one more InfoComm is in the books. Since my start in the industry in 2003, I’ve approached the InfoComm show with various emotions – excitement, trepidation, anticipation, and some years even some dread. Each year, I’ve come out the other side finding something at the show that I’ve enjoyed, and have even been impressed at the creativity of various manufacturers. However, it has been quite a while since I’ve walked away from a manufacturer’s booth saying “Wow, that was truly awesome.” No matter how big a display gets, it’s still just a display – and no matter how much you want it in your front room, it’s not going to keep you engaged on a trade show floor.
The LG booth at InfoComm 2019 was a refreshing change. Sure, they still had the obligatory large display, but even that threw me a curve. Not only did they have an 88” OLED display with 8K resolution, but the panel was being used as the actual speaker. Not a rear firing speaker like we’ve all come to expect, but the glass on the display vibrated with sound. Not something I’d want to test the audio limits on.
The 8K display was almost lost in the other innovative and engaging attractions. The biggest of which was the incredible curved video wall that created a cove like effect. The content that LG used, consisting of various outdoor scenes, made you feel engulfed in the experience. I wasn’t fortunate enough to go to the ISE show in Amsterdam, but I understand that the LG curved wall at the show was even more impressive there than at InfoComm. I would have a difficult time believing it, if it weren’t for the video proof.

After I pulled myself away from the curved video wall, I could see other locations they’ve used the curved OLED displays in real world applications, such as inset curved corners on walls, providing the end user and integrator with some great inspiration for future projects.

The second attraction that caught my attention was the portrait, 2×2 video wall made from transparent OLED displays. The content would appear and flow, allowing you glimpses of the retail product behind the displays, keeping you transfixed on seeing more, and providing an excellent way to engage the retail customer.
Overall, LGs continued innovation of new and exciting products has made their InfoComm booth as much of an attraction as it is a business destination.

Todd Heberlein
888-420-2566 x6205 | [email protected]