My journey to CTS certification.
At heart, I am a salesperson. My technology career started in sales. I sold everything from tele/web conferencing to video conferencing and peripherals. I managed sales teams for years. I knew HOW to sell. I knew how to manage a successful sales team. I knew WHY the services or products were a great solution. I understood the end game. But I did not know exactly how everything worked. I certainly did not know how to install anything that was not simple plug & play. I was not one to troubleshoot or support the technology. I relied on engineers and technical experts to handle the deep dive into the technology. (I still need them; don’t get me wrong. But I am surprised at what I now know.)
Fast forward, I joined the world of Pro AV distribution. My role as a Category Manager for Collaboration entails many “parts” so to speak. Meaning, it’s part sales, technical knowledge, marketing and more. When I joined Exertis Almo 11 years ago, there was so much chatter around “CTS”. That chatter became louder with each passing year. I just did not think I needed it. After much debate with myself (mostly because I did not have faith in passing), I became determined to achieve this goal. Knowing I would most likely stay in the PRO AV industry and realizing this certification would benefit my career in various ways (like seeking a promotion), I decided it was indeed a MUST HAVE. Therefore, my biggest goal for 2024 was to attain this badge of honor. I blocked time off on my calendar on a regular basis just to study. I turned my daily interactions into learning sessions; truly grasping PRO AV knowledge. Much of what I did on the daily fed into a learning path for CTS.
Well, folks, it’s an excellent achievement and I most certainly feel I have more to offer now that I have my CTS certification. I am amazed at what I learned over the last several months. Studying for this exam has improved my knowledge of the PRO AV technology world much more than I ever thought possible. For those afraid to embark on this adventure, I give you hope – and TIPS!
When I first opened the CTS Exam Guide, I scanned a couple of pages and said “Nope, not for me”. (I did this more than once.) Then I got serious. I accepted the challenge. AND it was no easy task. Start your journey! And be glad you did.
There are many ways to study and no right or wrong way. I primarily relied on the book for my first attempt. Oh yeah, I did not pass the test on my first try. This is a normal occurrence for plenty of people. Do not get discouraged. Take a hiatus, then dive back in, perhaps with a different approach (or slightly tweaked method).
Below are some study tips.
- Learn how you study best. The BOOK (CTS Edition 3) is definitely key. Read it. Perhaps read it again.
- Do the quizzes at the end of each chapter.
- Highlight areas you need to return to or that stand out.
- Online flashcards from a trusted resource are easy to find. Use them.
- AVIXA Practice Exam. I feel the practice exam is a bit easier than the actual test, nevertheless, incredibly beneficial. Take it more than once! Give yourself a little time between each attempt.
- Take notes. If you write something down, you are more inclined to remember it. I had a notebook dedicated to my CTS studies. It turned into a great study guide for reference. My own Cliff Notes (if you remember those).
- AVIXA has CTS prep videos on YouTube. Most of them are short and concise.
- There are math problems! Many are simple – like calculating the square footage or volume of a room. Others are a little more involved. My tests did not have a plethora of math problems, but I did use their calculator 5-6 times on the test I passed. Study the math problems!
- Read the questions thoroughly; more than once. You will most likely see “what is the BEST answer” or” FIRST STEP”. It is important to note every single word.
- ADVICE: Schedule your exam. It is too easy to delay study time when the test is not scheduled. Do not plan on cramming. Give yourself time. I needed months.
What to expect.
While I had read AVIXA’s and Pearson’s (the testing center) details on what to expect, I was a bit verklempt when I first arrived at the testing facility. You may not wear a jacket inside nor a cap nor jewelry. In fact, I had to leave my wedding ring in a locker, along with my keys, phone etc. No hair ties or clips. Empty your pockets. Expect to roll up your sleeves and do your own pat down. Don’t get frazzled. This is standard practice. Do not take a calculator. One will be provided for you along with a dry erase marker and sheet. You need two forms of identification. ie, passport and driver’s license.
You must do the prep work. Have a positive attitude. Try various forms of study. Show up well rested for the exam. Take some deep breaths and do your best. Once you complete the exam, you should have plenty of time to review all of it OR the questions you flagged.
While the exam is offered by proctor from the comfort of your home, I attempted to do this but had issues entering the exam. IN addition, you must have a VERY bare room void of almost everything with complete privacy and no interruptions. Going to a Pearson testing facility seems to be what most prefer.
Passing this exam was in part a relief, a weight off my shoulders. But I was also elated. I DID IT – and I bragged about it. LOL. I walked into that testing facility with a mix of emotions (fear, anxiety, worry, you name it) but I had built up my confidence somewhat during my studies. I walked out feeling excited, accomplished and ridiculously pleased with myself. My confidence level took another boost!
Why get your CTS?
It demonstrates a level of expertise in the Audio Video industry. It WILL better your knowledge! It is indeed a commitment to your field giving you more credibility. PLUS it makes you more marketable!…. I mean for those of you who might be looking for a new career opportunity. NOT me, Exertis Almo. I will be here forever.

About the Author
Lisa Lingo
Category Manager – Collaboration
Supported Product Category: Collaboration